Places to See in Egypt

Top 15 Places to See in Egypt

Egypt is a land of history, natural wonders, and culture. From the Pyramids of Giza to Luxor and the Red Sea, exploring this country allows you to journey through ancient civilizations and see many excellent sites. Read more

Top 8 Reasons to Travel to Maui This Year

If you’re looking for the perfect tropical paradise that offers fantastic outdoor activities and relaxing places, then Maui is an island you should visit. When hearing the word tropical, some may think about Central America, the Caribbean Islands, and Southeast Asia. Read more

Reasons to Visit Nassau

7 Reasons to Visit Nassau in the Bahamas

If you are looking for a great beach destination in 2023, you should consider traveling to Nassau in the Bahamas. One of the key destinations in Nassau is Paradise Island, which has some of the best luxury resorts in the country. Read more

travel insurance plans

Six reasons Europeans buy travel insurance

It is generally considered important for Europeans to buy travel insurance for a number of reasons. Traveling can be exciting and adventurous, but it also comes with potential risks and uncertainties. Global travel insurance provides a safety net to protect travelers from unexpected events that could result in significant financial losses. In this article, we will explore the reasons why global travel insurance is important for Europeans and how it can provide peace of mind for travelers. Read more

Top 10 tips for your next trip to Europe

Greece, Switzerland, and Paris are names that come instantly to our minds when thinking of exotic places for international visits. So, while European countries rule the minds of most globe-trotters, it is more important to help them with the necessary pieces of advice about European trips. Following are 9 important tips that one must consider before flying off to this splendid continent of art, culture, and a lot more!

Top 10 Tips for Your Next Trip to Europe:

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Travel Medical Insurance

Eight easy tips for a healthy travel abroad

With the pandemic slowing winding down in much of the world, a lot of people are looking at returning to travel. This is especially the case when it comes to borders opening up and travel getting more attainable for most people, of course except for the airplane fairs and general disruption and delays at borders and airports.

Tips for a healthy travel abroad:

You may have a summer trip around the corner, but we wanted to share with your some easy tips to enjoy a healthy and happy travel abroad:

  1. Remember your vacation essentials. Remember to pack and renew prescriptions (in bottle they are prescribed in), pack essential medications, purchase a mobile roaming plan or get a plan abroad, and don’t forget the hand sanitizer!
  2. Make sure you check your health status. If you have underlying health conditions, make sure you ask your doctor if should travel abroad. Note that most travel medical insurance plans will not cover pre-existing conditions, only cover them partially or cover them depending on the stability period of the condition.
  3. Check the health and safety status of your destination countries. Most governments will provide their citizen’s free advice and travel warnings for almost all countries around the globe that you may be traveling to. Here is a great resource for Canadians traveling abroad, but can be used for most nationalities:
  4. Keep an eye on travel entry requirements – especially for Covid. Many countries require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test result upon entry. Be sure to look up the current requirements for the country you are visiting.
  5. Buy travel insurance coverage. Getting international travel medical coverage is really easy and in most cases is quite affordable. If your employer has coverage, make sure you confirm any limitations, restrictions, or gaps in existing travel insurance coverage and consider purchasing one of our comprehensive travel insurance options if needed.
  6. Be up to date on your travel vaccinations. We recommend that people traveling abroad check the vaccination requirements for entry, but also recommended vaccinations given the local healthcare and disease profiles. That vax might save you from getting a particular disease and ruin your vacation abroad.
  7. Prepare for your return. If you are a Canadian, make sure you Download the mandatory ArriveCAN app before leaving. Until this requirement is removed by the Trudeau government, you must use the app to provide mandatory travel information when travelling internationally.
  8. Protect yourself from the unexpected. Yes, travel is fun, but things do happen that you didn’t plan for. Do you have pre-paid, non-refundable expenses for an upcoming trip? Vacation Protection coverage can help recover these costs if an unforeseen circumstance leads to cancellation, interruption, or delay in your travels.

If you are going abroad as an expatriate, make sure you get a global health insurance plan as travel medical insurance plans are for short trips abroad and will not cover you back in your country of citizenship in most cases.

Europe Travel Guide Tips

5 Tips for your Next Vacation to Paris

With the world opening up more and more, even with COVID restrictions and testing, maybe now is the time to think about going to Europe, specifically Paris France. It is an excellent destination no matter what time of year. We wanted to provide some great tips for your next vacation to Paris.

Five Tips for Your Next Trip to Paris:

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Europe Travel Guide Tips for a Hassle-free Adventure

Europe Travel Guide Tips — Try These for Hassle-free Adventure across the Old Continent

Europe has a little bit of something for everyone. One of the most diverse continents, Europe not only has a deep-rooted history but is also a melting pot of cultures from across the globe. From its east end to its west side, Europe is a mixture of unique architecture, varied cuisines, languages, cultures, and customs. With the dissolution of border checks within the European Union (EU), traveling from one country to another is quite easy and also affordable. So get your backpack ready with our Europe travel guide tips to sojourn around this Old Continent to your heart’s content. Read more

Single Trip Travel Medical Insurance

Top 20 Travel Tips and Hacks for Your Next Trip Abroad

20 Travel Tips and Hacks Will Make Your Trip Truly Enjoyable and Comfortable

Traveling across the globe and exploring unknown locations is a favorite pastime for millions of avid vacationers. A family trip is equally rewarding as children get the opportunity to learn things that are not usually common for them. While there are several benefits of traveling domestically or internationally, hassles like losing your mobile phone could spoil the fun mood you are in for the most part. That said, we wanted to provide you some travel tips and hacks that can make your travel fruitful and enjoyable. Read on to find out. Read more